in which case patients lack the motivation to act, either because they do not feel they achieve recommended targets or do not see the value of being active. Extrinsic motivation implies that a patient engages in the behavior to achieve outcomes that are separable from the behavior itself. Within extrinsic motivation there is a continuum of behavioral regulations, reflecting the degree of autonomy or self-integration. External regulation refers to exercising to avoid punishment and other-disappointment or to obtain promised rewards or other-appreciation. While external regulation is asso- ciated with external pressures to engage in PA, introjected regula- tion refers to the imposition of pressures onto one's own functioning, for instance, by buttressing one's activity engagement with feelings of guilt, self-criticism, or contingent self-worth. Both external and introjected regulations represent controlled types of motivation as individuals will likely feel pressured to perform the behavior. For identified regulation on the contrary, the behavior is performed more willingly even though the activity is not enjoy- able. A person will participate in PA, because the behavioral outcomes are personally important, for example to improve mental health or physical fitness. The most self-determined form of the extrinsic motivation continuum is integrated regulation, in which case the PA level is consistent with other prevailing values and has become prioritized within one's lifestyle. Although these types of extrinsic motivation attain a separable outcome than the activity itself, identified and integrated regulation involve personal endorsement of the reason to engage in the activity and, as a result, are more likely to be accompanied with feelings of choice and psychological freedom. Finally, intrinsic motivation represents the most self-determined type of motivation and involves enga- ging in PA for its own sake, that is, because patients find them challenging or enjoyable.