a jeanette barsdell
Originally from a small country on England is isle of white, jeanette chose thailand to begin her career since it was "the farthest place i could go". one thing that she took a while to discover was the way goods are sold in thailand." at first i did not realize you could bargain , so i was paying these very high prices, although then they still seemed very cheap to me. once i found out that haggling was the norm, i really got into it and by thetime i left, i have to say iwas quite an expert. "jeanette praises the thais for their friendlines, although there were times when she aware of being an outsider. "if they had fes tivals, i was not invited to the family parties and that when i felt quite alien. "another thing jeanette noticed was the reverence thais feelfor their royal family. "from the stories i heard, it seems the king and queen are really good people-they deserve the affection, and it is not just tokenistic. people like to have the king is photo nearby-i can not see anyone england doing that.